If you want to help refurbish this historical house, please know that every donation large or small is appreciated.
You may use the yellow buttons below to make your contribution.
Below are some categories you might also consider.
This 300 page 8 1/2“ x 11“ softcover book with 200+ photos -focusing on the heritage of this house will be sent (CONUS postage paid) to those who contribute at least $135 to the refurbishing of the historic David P. Abbott House of Mystery.
Extensively researched - examining the history of this house through both text and photos, this book will not be for sale but only available as a thank you gift for those who donate to this project.
Twelve donors are invited to commit $2500 per year for two years to pay for the on-going expenses of the house during its renovation.
As a thank you for their participation, they and their significant other will be invited to a private event with Teller.
Ten donors have already accepted the invitation to be part of this group.
The following rooms in the house are available for the sponsoring of their refurbishing and furnishing.
All room sponsors are recognized by a plaque in that room.
Since the Omaha Magical Society is a 501c3 corporation, all donations are tax deductible in the United States.
If you choose, you may also mail a check to:
Omaha Magical Society
Mr. Bob Gehringer, Treasurer
13405 Marinda Street
Omaha, NE. 68134