Sometimes a monthly Monday Night Magic event just isn't enough.
Several members have taken the initiative to start smaller groups for just such a purpose. Here's where you can find them.
You don’t need to be an OMS member to attend.
Following our Monday Night Magic events (on the third Monday of every month), everyone is invited to join a group over at The Brazen Head Pub (319 N. 78th Street in Omaha) where new tricks will be shown, sleights demonstrated, and world problems solved.
On the first Saturday of every month you'll find a group of magicians sharing ideas at The Mill at Telegraph (330 S. 21st Street in Lincoln) starting at 2:00 PM. You need only have an interest in magic to come. No previous experience required.
Periodically a group from the club will sail their cars down to the club's 1200 magic book collection housed at the University of Nebraska at Omaha in search of treasure focused on a certain genre of magic (i.e. coins, cards, mentalism, presentation finesse, etc.). An hour is spent with each person reading and gathering their best ideas from the book(s) they selected from the library and an hour spent sharing those ideas with others who came along based on their similar interests.
These adventures have even been known to finish with the group going to dinner following their successful quest.
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