The David P. Abbott Award is presented to a member of the Omaha Magical Society who is also a member of the Society of American Magicians; is a currently performing magician; has attained national recognition; and has exhibited strong creativity as an author, inventor or performer.
This special recognition is designed to honor individuals who have distinguished themselves by their generous personal contributions to the Omaha Magical Society.
Any member who has materially contributed to the advancement of the art of magic and has made exemplary contributions to the welfare of The Omaha Magical Society may be a Life Member by a majority vote of members present at any regular monthly meeting provided the matter has been presented at the previous meeting and notice of the purpose and intent of the next meeting has been given by the Secretary of the organization. OMS Bylaws, Article 3, Sec. 4 The following are those awarded lifetime memberships in the Omaha Magical Society in alphabetical order by last name.