Learning and performing magic tricks remains one of those activities that nearly all children enjoy without even realizing how the process enhances their personal confidence and social skills.
Consequently, The Omaha Magical Society offers the Magic That Matures™ classes (described below) both as a during school or after-school programming option.
The Red Cup, The Blue Cup, and The Yellow Cup level of the Magic That Matures™ curriculum each contains eight magic tricks taught in four thirty to fifty-minute classes (with access to follow-up online videos made available to each class member at the conclusion of every class).
Each class consists of learning the mechanics of the trick(s) and practicing those mechanics with a partner; learning a presentation for the trick and practicing a presentation (and the mechanics) with a partner - ultimately having some of the students perform in front of the whole group before the class is over.
Upon successful performance of the tricks at each level, one of the colored cups is awarded to the participant along with a bonus magic trick that can be done with that cup.
Upon successful completion of all three stages, the participant owns his/her own set of what is historically believed to be the oldest magic trick in the history of the art - The Cups and Balls along with an online tutorial of an easy-to-learn routine with the set of cups.
In each class, the students will also learn about one of TWELVE characteristics of a successful magician - including that of being:
Persistent • Prepared • Authentic • Respectful • Thankful • Authentic • Confident • Creative • Enthusiastic • Friendly • Giving • Humble • Kind
For three hours on a Saturday invite your fourth through sixth graders to come to the school for a magic workshop - learning, practicing, and performing a series of magic tricks - presenting a show at the end of the time for parents who might wish to attend.
Although there is no cost to the sponsoring school, we have a limited capacity for the number of partner schools we can service each year.
Please use the contact form at the bottom of this page to indicate your interest and ask your questions.
Although not affiliated with the well-known Toastmasters™ presenter development program, this curriculum has been called by some the "Toastmasters™ For Kids."
Using the Magic That Matures™ curriculum, a team of secondary students learn the delivery of the curriculum while practicing and receiving feedback on The Twelve Essential Presentational Skills - including audience management, eye contact, vocal projection and variety.
As continued reinforcement, the secondary students then present Magic That Matures™ lessons to groups of elementary students..
Here is a collection of research surrounding magic-based interventions and their effects on well-being.
magic_research (pdf)